6 Easy ways to kickstart your weight loss journey


It’s the beginning of a new year and I am sure most of us overindulged over the festive, but that’s water under the bridge.

So, let’s direct our energy towards living a healthier life, starting today!!! 

There are a magnitude of diet plans out there and I usually get very vested in these diets but after a while I lose interest. Some people prefer jumping into it cold turkey and while you might lose weight, you probably won’t maintain it. In all my years of yo-yo dieting, I have found that I will eventually fall of the wagon, hit rock bottom, and try to silence my emotions with food and start the cycle AGAIN…


I have realised that making a few lifestyle changes, can make a big difference. Try the following, you will be amazed by the results…

Reduce your sugar intake 

    • Start by adding one less spoon of sugar to your tea/coffee

    • Replace at least one serving of juice or fizzy drinks with a glass of water
    • When you feel the need for a sweet, rather have some fruit
  • Drink more water 
    • Put a reminder on your phone to remind you to drink water
    • Add some fruit to your water like Lemon slices and mint leaves
  •  Add more Fruit and Vegetables to your diet
    • Have a healthy fruit smoothie for breakfast
    • Fill half your plate with vegetables
    • Try vegetable noodles or vegetable lasagne sheets

  • Add more fibre to your diet
    • Replace all your white carbs like bread, pasta, and rice with brown or whole-wheat carbs, it contains more fibre
    • Another way of adding more fibre to your diet is by adding beans or lentils to your stews and soups
  • Move more
    • There are clever ways to add walking to your daily routine without it taking up much time or feeling like a its a chore. 
    • Park further from your office or further from the store and get those steps in, every bit helps. 
    • Take a walk around the block and gradually increase your distance, it’s good for both physical and mental health. Get your family involved.
  • Get enough sleep

  • It can be very hard to get enough sleep because you might want to do a few things in preparation for a presentation the following day or packing the children's lunches or binge watching a series, but it’s important to get at least 7 hours of sleep per night.


Good Luck and enjoy the journey!

Please come back and share your progress with all of us.💥💥💥💥



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