7 Tips for a healthy looking skin

It certainly has been a long and depressing winter that hasn’t been kind to my skin or my self-esteem. But with spring in the air and summer on the horizon, I have new vigour and energy.

So, here are a few tips to get yourself summer-glow ready…


I think we are all familiar with the benefits of water. 

Make your humble glass of water interesting by adding fresh  slices of fruit  such as lemon, oranges, berries, cucumber, or mint leaves.

I prefer  adding mint leaves, cucumber, and a fresh squeeze of lime to my sparkling water. Not only is it refreshing and thirst quenching, it also taste just like a Virgin Mojito😉…Yummy


It is advisable to exfoliate at least once a week to get rid of dead skin. There is an endless choice  of exfoliants available on the market, but no reason why you can't go the all-natural, budget friendly route. My budget friendly suggestions are:

    ·  Coffee Scrub

    • Mix ground coffee, brown sugar and coconut oil together to form a spreadable paste.
    • Gently rub  the paste over your entire body and face, avoiding the eye area and leave to dry for a few minutes
    • Rinse thoroughly to remove all exfoliant
  • Sea Salt
    • Mix  a handful of Sea salt and  olive oil ,add a few drops of your favourite  essential oils if you wish
    • Using your fingers and palms, rub  the mixture over your entire body
    • Rinse
  • Sugar
    • Place a teaspoon of sugar and a generous squirt of tissue oil onto your hand
    • Rub hands together until most of the oil has been absorbed
    • Rinse hands under warm water to wash away excess sugar


Here’s a few budget friendly, homemade facemasks to add some moisture to your skin:

  • Avocado Mask 
    •      Mix one smashed avocado, honey ,lemon juice and  natural yoghurt together
  • Coconut Oil Mask
    •  Mix coconut oil, honey and plain yoghurt together
  • Oatmeal mask 
    • Mix Oatmeal, Avocado and turmeric together
After cleansing your face in your usual manner, apply the face mask to your entire face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Leave the facemask for at 10 minutes before you rinse.

4.Stock up on Omega3 foods

Including Omega 3 to your diet will soften dry skin and minimises the signs of aging.

·        Include the following in your diet:

o   Fish such as Salmon, Mackerel, Tuna and sardines

o   Nuts such as walnuts, chia seeds and flaxseeds

o   Veggies such as kale, brussels sprouts, zucchini, spinach, rocket and basil 

o   Don't forget your Avo’s! They contain all the good fats.


5.Shorten those warm baths and showers

Taking  shorter showers or baths will help to prevent your skin from drying out.

Take a quick refreshing shower or bath and dab/pat your skin dry. Moisturise skin while it is  still damp as damp skin absorbs moisture easily.

6. Limit caffeine intake

Try to replace your morning “cup of joe” with a green tea. Add some lemon and honey for a refreshing taste or try a green smoothie full of nutrients.

7.Limit Alcohol Intake

Try to limit your cocktail/wine intake...If you do decide to  have a few cocktails, or a glass of wine, have one glass of water for each corresponding cocktail/glass of wine. By staying hydrated you can prevent a hangover and still look like a million dollars the next morning- please remember to stay hydrated.

Chat soon
Vanez 💖


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