Mental health -Tips to help you cope

According to the Thesaurus, there are numerous synonyms for mental health such as mental stability, mental balance, and mental hygiene…I prefer the word mental hygiene as this implies that we need to do this daily and it should become a habit.

We are moving in a direction where mental health should no longer be met with negativity and shame. It’s important that we educate ourselves and find ways to deal with mental health. Just like we care for our bodies and eat healthily, we need to care for our mental health/hygiene.

I’ve compiled a Mental Health Toiletry Bag

1. Exercise

Staying active is the first step towards maintain mental stability. Do a 30-minute cardio in the morning or a quick jog before you start your day, Exercise releases endorphins that create   that “happy” feeling that we all need.


Meditation is the practice of focused concentration to training your mind and redirecting your thoughts. Here’s the top 3 types of meditation.

o   Guided mediation This is a great technique if you are starting your journey on meditation. You can also access guided medication in audio form on the internet.

o   Mindfulness meditation teaches you to let go of negative thoughts by deep, rhythmic breathing.

                 o   Yoga improves strength, balance, and flexibility as well as mental health.

3.Spend time with loved ones

Spending time with loved ones are soothing for the soul. Taking a trip down memory lane and getting nostalgic, might just be the tonic you need to find your happy place. Make new worries, have fun and lots of laughter… there is truth to the saying: “Laughter is the BEST medicine”. When you laugh, the body releases endorphins. Endorphins makes you feel good and reduces pain and discomfort.




Who doesn’t like a trip? A change of scenery does a lot for your mental state.

Getting out of your daily rut might just help you to get back to enjoying life. A weekend trip with the girls, taking on adventurous activities to get the adrenalin flowing or a relaxed and peaceful get-away with the family will release enough endorphins to keep you going for a while.

5. Take up a hobby

Get those creative juices flowing. Taking up a hobby is a brilliant way to get rid of all those bottled-up frustrations. There is a magnitude of hobbies out there, it depends on your interest and your willingness to step outside your comfort zone. Take up pottery, quilting or why not chance your arm at photography or cooking-You might just turn out to be the next Celebrity Chef. 

6. Limit your time of social media

I’m sure we are all aware of the pitfalls of social media. Apart from the fact that it taking time away from our families, it can also lead to FOMO(Fear of missing out).People very seldom post about their failures on social media and you might feel that your life is not as great as your Facebook “friends”. Put time aside for social media, and once your allocated time is up, close the app or put the phone out of reach.




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