
Showing posts from March, 2022

Mental health -Tips to help you cope

According to the Thesaurus, there are numerous synonyms for mental health such as mental stability , mental balance, and mental hygiene …I prefer the word mental hygiene as this implies that we need to do this daily and it should become a habit. We are moving in a direction where mental health should no longer be met with negativity and shame. It’s important that we educate ourselves and find ways to deal with mental health. Just like we care for our bodies and eat healthily, we need to care for our mental health/hygiene. I’ve compiled a Mental Health Toiletry Bag 1.   Exercise Staying active is the first step towards maintain mental stability. Do a 30-minute cardio in the morning or a quick jog before you start your day, Exercise releases endorphins that create   that “happy” feeling that we all need.   2. Meditation Meditation is the practice of focused concentration to training your mind and redirecting your thoughts. Here’s the top 3 types of meditation. o    Guided mediation  Th