
Showing posts from January, 2022

6 Easy ways to kickstart your weight loss journey

  It’s the beginning of a new year and I am sure most of us overindulged over the festive, but that’s water under the bridge. So, let’s direct our energy towards living a healthier life, starting today!!!   There are a magnitude of diet plans out there and I usually get very vested in these diets but after a while I lose interest. Some people prefer jumping into it cold turkey and while you might lose weight, you probably won’t maintain it. In all my years of yo-yo dieting, I have found that I will eventually fall of the wagon, hit rock bottom, and try to silence my emotions with food and start the cycle AGAIN…   I have realised that making a few lifestyle changes, can make a big difference. Try the following, you will be amazed by the results… Reduce your sugar intake  Start by adding one less spoon of sugar to your tea/coffee Replace at least one serving of juice or fizzy drinks with a glass of water When you feel the need for a sweet, rather have some fruit Drink mo